Premier Laundry Terms and Conditions

Last Updated 1st December 2021

  1. Services
    1. Premier Laundry Services Ltd and its employees, agents and contractors (“Premier Laundry”) are pleased to provide a professional collection and delivery service of laundry, dry cleaning and wet cleaning to our customers (“Services”) using our website (“Website”), offering quality and convenience at an affordable price.
    2. The following terms and conditions (“General Terms”) govern the use of the Services. Please read the General Terms carefully. By placing an order for our Services, you agree to accept these General Terms. If you do not wish to accept these General Terms, you should not use the Services. These General Terms also apply to any orders for our Services placed during a free trial period.
    3. References in these General Terms to “our”, “us” or “Premier Laundry” shall mean CC Premier Laundry Services Ltd, a company incorporated in Cyprus with company number HE425133, and any of its employees, agents and contractors. References to “you”, “your” or “the Customer” shall mean you as customer and user of the Services. You can contact Premier Laundry by email to
    4. These General Terms are strictly between you and Premier Laundry, and do not in any way constitute or imply any relationship with any other parties. Premier Laundry reserves the right to alter prices for its goods and services at any point.
    5. These General Terms may refer to, and supplement, our privacy policy and cookies policy, which are available at and (together, “Policies”).
    6. These General Terms and any of our Policies may be varied by us from time to time. Any revisions to our General Terms or Policies will be made available at , and will apply to the Services from the date of publication. Any use by you of our Services following the publication of revised General Terms or Policies will constitute acceptance of such changes.
    7. In addition to our General Terms, we may from time to time enter into an additional service agreement with certain of our business customers (“Business Terms”). The Business Terms will supplement these General Terms as set out in more detail in our Business Terms.

  2. Collection/Delivery Schedule for Services:
    1. Collection/Delivery will take place on a predetermined day and frequency, except on certain holidays as communicated by Premier Laundry with reasonable notice.
    2. Premier Laundry reserves the right to determine the collection/delivery times and reschedule collection/delivery times upon prior notice to Customers.

  3. Order Process and Terms:
    1. Premier Laundry will endeavour to provide each Customer with a free laundry bag to transport their laundry items (a “Premier Laundry Bag”). Premier Laundry reserves the right not to collect items that are not in a Premier Laundry Bag. A fee of 5 euros will be charged to the Customer for each replacement Premier Laundry Bag requested by the Customer.
    2. The Customer agrees not to include any of the following items inside any mixed laundry bags given to Premier Laundry for service:
      (i) non-washable items,
      (ii) items that are labelled for hand washing and/or dry cleaning only, or
      (iii) any items not meant for tumble drying.
    3. The Customer is responsible for any and all damage caused by any items (included, but not limited to pens, tissues, coins etc) left in the Customer’s clothing or Premier Laundry Bag that causes damage to the clothing of any Customer, the cleaning machines, or any other property of Premier Laundry or its Customers. Premier Laundry are not responsible for, and shall not pay for, any loss, damage or theft of items left unattended by the Customer for collection or delivery.
    4. Unless the customer selects the Concierge service, upon placing an order via the Website the Customer is responsible for notifying Premier Laundry of the contents of the laundry and garment bags via the Website. You will be notified of any discrepancy that is discovered. We will not proceed with washing without resolving the said discrepancy with you. This may cause a delay in the processing of your items. Premier Laundry is not responsible for any items not listed in the ordering process.

  4. Missed/Unattended Collection or Delivery:
    1. If the Customer misses a scheduled arranged collection, Premier Laundry will rearrange a collection at the next available delivery time, and the Customer will be required to pay an extra collection fee.
    2. If the Customer misses a scheduled delivery, the Customer must coordinate with Premier Laundry to reschedule the delivery during the next available delivery time. The Customer will be required to pay an extra delivery fee.
    3. Premier Laundry will retain items which are not collected by a Customer for up to 3 months from the date of the order. Premier Laundry reserves the right to dispose of any items not collected after that time.

  5. Payment and Charges:
    1. The charges for the Services (the “Charges”) are asset out in Premier Laundry standard pricing list, which is available on the Website (the “Standard Pricing List”). Unless otherwise agreed in any Business Terms with you or any other signed service agreement between the Customer and Premier Laundry, by using the Services the Customer agrees to pay the Charges for the Services as set out in the Standard Pricing List. The amounts set out in the Standard Pricing List are inclusive of VAT.
    2. Unless otherwise agreed by Premier Laundry in writing, the Customer must pay the Charges when placing an order for the Services. Premier Laundry reserves the right not to perform the Services until it has received payment of the Charges in full. Premier Laundry also reserves the right not to return items delivered to it until payment of the Charges has been received in full.
    3. Premier Laundry reserves the right to change prices at any time by updating the Standard Pricing List. Any revisions to our Standard Pricing List will be made available on the Website, and will apply to the Services from the date of publication. Any use by you of our Services following the publication of a revised Standard Pricing List will constitute acceptance of such changes.

  6. Payments for Concierge Services:
    1. Premier Laundry offers a concierge service which entitles Customers to book collection and delivery without selecting items using the Website. Use of the concierge service is subject to the Customer signing a service agreement with Premier Laundry, more details of which are available on the Website. Payment for Services ordered using our Concierge Service will be made using direct debit once your order has been processed.

  7. Suspension of Services and Refunds:
    1. Except as described in this section, all sales are final and all payments are non-refundable. Premier Laundry reserves the right to suspend the Services due to any breach of these General Terms by a Customer.
    2. In case of a dispute, please refer to section 9.
    3. Should the provision of the Services be delayed or suspended at the request of, or through the action of, the Customer, for a period exceeding 4 weeks, then Premier Laundry shall be entitled to payment of all Charges and other fees under these General Terms resulting from all Services carried out up to and including that date.

  8. Garment Care:
    1. Premier Laundry takes every effort to maintain a high-quality cleaning service and will apply experienced professional judgement as to the preferable method used for the laundering, dry cleaning or wet cleaning of items. Premier Laundry use a process called Wet Cleaning to wash items usually marked as Dry Clean Only. Wet Cleaning is kinder to clothes and also kinder to the planet, as it does not use the same harmful, harsh chemicals that dry cleaning does, but is just as effective.  By using the Services, the Customer accepts that the cleaning methods used by Premier Laundry may differ from the advice on the items care label on occasions where dry cleaning is listed.
    2. Premier Laundry accept no liability for damage to items without an original care label present that have been laundered, dry cleaned or wet cleaned by the Premier Laundry process. Premier Laundry reserve the right to use expertise to decide on a cleaning method for an item where we believe a care label is incorrect, or the care label does not include the necessary information, such as the fabric details of the item.
    3. Curtain Care: Premier Laundry offers the cleaning of curtains as one of its Services. Depending on age, condition, material and added features, curtains are treated on a case by case basis. When cleaning curtains Premier Laundry will not be liable for damage of:
      – Curtains provided without a care label;
      – Curtains that have been weakened due to prolonged exposure to UV (in the form of sunlight);
      – Hems or weakened stitching that occurs when washing;
      – Curtains with blackout lining;
      – Curtain attachments such as rings, tassels, glued on trims etc; and
      – Curtains which have suffered shrinkage of up to 4%.
    4. Some curtain stains such as yellow or brown stains can be caused by sunlight and are therefore not stains that can be removed via a cleaning process.
    5. Shrinkage is common when cleaning curtains, and usually relaxed once steamed and hung. To minimise this during washing, please provide us with as much information as possible when placing an order using the Website.

  9. Loss or Damage to Items; Liability generally: 
    In the event of any loss or damage to goods delivered to Premier Laundry, the following shall apply:
    1. You must notify Premier Laundry of any missing or damage items within 24 hours of delivery of your laundry bag. After this period Premier Laundry shall not be liable for any missing or damaged items. For missing items, Premier Laundry shall have 21 days to locate such items before you may submit a claim in accordance with these General Terms.
    2. In the event of damaged goods:
      1. Premier Laundry reserves the right to inspect the item before proposing a resolution. This includes inspection via third party analysis services.
      2. Premier Laundry reserve the right to repeat the laundering, wet cleaning or dry cleaning process for the item, if in the expert opinion of Premier Laundry, there is a likelihood that this action would fix the perceived damage.
    3. For any missing or damaged goods where a claim has been notified to Premier Laundry in accordance with section 9.1, Premier Laundry will, subject to sections 9.4 and 9.8, issue the Customer a refund or credit for the depreciated value of that item, calculated as set out below:
      1. In the event of a damaged item, Premier Laundry will issue the Customer a refund or credit for the value of that item as specified in the National Fair Claims Guide from the International Fabricare Institute (“IFI”). This guide takes into account the average life of the garment, depreciation for the age of the item, and the current replacement cost. Premier Laundry will pay a maximum reimbursement per Premier Laundry Order of 250 euros.
      2. If the customer is unable to document the age of a garment, Premier Laundry reserves the right to determine the age of the garment appropriately and use this information in the calculation stated in section 9.3.1.
      3. In the event of damage to high value items (250+ euros) Premier Laundry reserves the right to send the item for an industry-standard fault analysis inspection to determine the likely cause of damage and culpability, and the Customer agrees to be bound by the findings of any such report.
    4. Notwithstanding any other sections of these General Terms, Premier Laundry shall not be liable for any of the following:
      1. Pre-existing damage or weakness. Premier Laundry shall not be liable for any damage resulting from any pre-existing damage or weakness in the item, or any item which is Premier Laundry agrees to clean at the risk of the Customer due to the nature of the item.
      2. Items which do not include a care label, or where the care label does not state the material composition of the item.
      3. Damage caused by items which the Customer has left with or in the items or the Premier Laundry Bag, including but not limited to pens, tissues and coins).
      4. Items which are missing or damaged as a result of the Customer leaving such items unattended during collection or delivery.
      5. Items not submitted to Premier Laundry in accordance with these General Terms.
      6. Damage not related to or caused by the cleaning processes used by Premier Laundry.
    5. Subject to section 9.6, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, Premier Laundry’s total liability to the Customer for all loss or damage arising under these General Terms shall be limited to the total Charges paid by the Customer for the Services during the 12 months immediately preceding the date on which the claim arose.
    6. The following types of loss are wholly excluded under these General Terms: loss of profit, loss of sales or business, loss of agreements of contracts, loss of anticipated savings, loss of use or corruption of data, software or information, loss of or damage to goodwill, indirect or consequential loss.
    7. Premier Laundry shall not be liable to the Customer for any failure or delay in the performance of the Services which is due to any cause beyond its control, including acts of war, acts of God, acts of terrorism, riot, sabotage, labour shortage or dispute, Internet interruption, government acts, and other similar events.

  10. Notwithstanding section 9.3.1, where an item has been damaged during any free trial period offered to a Customer, Premier Laundry will pay a maximum reimbursement for each individual damaged item of 250 euros, subject to the remainder of these General Terms.

  11. The of Third-Party Service Providers:
    Premier Laundry reserves the right to utilise any third party outsourcer, vendor, or outside service provider for provision of the Services, without notice to the Customer. Provided that Premier Laundry has selected such third party with appropriate care, Premier Laundry is not responsible for, and will not be held liable for, any damage or loss due to the acts or omissions of its vendors, third-party outsourcers, or service providers.

  12. Data protection 
    Premier Laundry takes privacy and personal information seriously. Premier Laundry uses the information collected to fulfil your requests for certain products and services, to process payment transactions and facilitate billing, and to deliver the Services. We also may send merchant service announcements, newsletters, and periodic notices about specials and new products. More details of the data we collect, and what we will do with such data, can be found in our Privacy Policy at

  13. Termination:
    Premier Laundry reserves the right to terminate or discontinue provision of the Services at any time, and refund any pre-paid Charges to Customers where Services have not yet been performed. We will endeavour to provide reasonable notice to Customers via email, or telephone.

  14. General
    1. Premier Laundry may from time to time wish to take photographs or footage of a Customer using the Services in order to promote the Services. Premier Laundry shall, where practicable, inform Customer that this is taking place. The Customer consents to being photographed and filmed by Premier Laundry in connection with the Services, and agrees that Premier Laundry may use such photography and films, including any performance, voice, or other aspects of Customer’s persona, by Premier Laundry for any function or reason. In addition, Customer assigns to Premier Laundry any copyright interest and right of publicity that may arise as a result of such filming or photography. Customers will not be given any additional compensation for Premier Laundry’s use of photographs or films.
    2. Premier Laundry reserves the right to anonymously take photographs of items we process for use in promotional marketing materials and communications.
    3. You may not transfer any of your rights under these General Terms to any other person. We may transfer our rights under these General Terms where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected.
    4. These General Terms, together with the re Policies and any Business Terms or service agreement signed between us, contain the whole agreement between us and supersede all prior discussions, arrangements or agreements that might have taken place in relation to the Services. No course of conduct, failure or delay shall affect the validity, binding effector enforceability of these General Terms or be considered an implied waiver.
    5. If any court or competent authority finds that any provision (or part thereof) of these General Terms is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision (or part) will, to the extent required, be deemed to be deleted, but will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remainder of these General Terms.
    6. These General Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of The Republic of Cyprus and all disputes arising under these General Terms (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of The Republic of Cyprus.